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Shahyeim raises pipe cleaner sculptures to the level of art. His pieces are wonderful characters that put commercial action figures to shame.


For the month of May, students will have their work showcased at Angelina’s Cafe, 301 Hope St in Bristol, RI.

The show features work from Jackie, George, Greg, Kyle, Mike, and Teegan.

We had an opening reception and performance on Saturday, May 4th with performances by Jack, Brendan, Tavia, Mike, Izzie, and Tim.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

John Kotula organized our autobiography night to feature both Arts Advisory Seniors and professional writers.  The event was at Barnes and Noble and offered an opportunity for writers of all ages to share their stories.



Teegan’s print was chosen for first place and will be on display in Washington for the year.


Teegan accepts award from Congressman David Cicilline.


Teegan and the other winners.

Greg Adekomaya also participated in the contest.


Greg accepts his certificate from the Congressman.


Greg bends his knees so the Congressman won’t be embarrassed by the difference in their heights.

Teegan painted and collaged these three little panels (6″X6″) to build a box to display CDs for the Columbus Recording Company.ImageImageImage

Personally, I think they are so good she should save them as miniature paintings, but I’m not the artist. I’m just the art teacher.

John Kotula


Greg is a senior in The Arts Advisory. He is a multi-tallented artist who draws, paints and does digital design. This image was created in Photoshop, as was the one that follows.


Greg has been accepted to The New Hampshire Institute of art and Rhode Island College.

I’m looking forward to following his career and bragging about how I knew him in high school!

John Kotula

We had the honor of welcoming Paul Zasada to the Arts Advisory on the Friday after the showcase.  Paul is Greg’s Mentor at Villari’s Martial Arts in Middletown.  Paul also runs Integral Psychotherapy and offers holistic counseling and therapy services.  He is an incredible mentor and has guided Greg to new heights in movement and martial arts training.

Paul led the advisory through a series of creative movement techniques and a guided meditation workshop.

This was an exceptional way to reflect and recharge after the showcase!


Greg’s training has led to mental clarity, exceptional movement technique, and creative inspiration.  

No students were harmed in the filming of this workshop.

International Arts Shows!

Here is a website with links to upcoming art shows around the world.  Students, artists, and mentors can apply for the shows listed on this site.

What a night!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

The Arts Advisory Showcase at the Jamestown Arts Center!

Thanks to Kathy Havey for the wonderful photos!